Can't remember....
Mirrors and mirrors and time,
Like a ballerina dancing
At the bottom of a lake
The moon catches all of the colors of her movement and
Scatters them into space...
Mirrors and mirrors and dreams that dazzle like the dew
Upon the dust
Like so many tiny stars they wink in and out of life
History will not remember us...
Mirrors and mirrors and mirrors
Mirrors and mirrors and mirrors
And nothing is getting clearer
This world is all smoke and mirrors
Mirrors and mirrors, some barbershop vision
Of something disappearing from the corner of your eye
Whistling like ten thousand horsemen thundering
Out of the mountains and down to the sea
Where they turn into laughter
Like the wild surf pounding
Out beyond the borders of belief...
Mirrors and mirrors and mirrors
Mirrors and mirrors and mirrors
And nothing is getting clearer
This world is all smoke and mirrors
Mirrors and mirrors and pictures and photographs
That form their legend in the veil
Where nothing is forever except your desire
That keeps you in this mirror of fire...
Mirrors and mirrors and mirrors
Mirrors and mirrors and mirrors
And nothing is getting clearer
This world is all smoke and mirrors
Visible's 2007 album 'Songwriter'

© 2007 Visible