(is Coming Soon)
This song was written a few days after 9/11. I have serious questions about who was behind this. I have no questions about things working out.
Something good is coming soon
Something good is coming soon
It's filling up the emptiness
Putting on its party dress
The world is in its Sunday best
'cause everybody knows
Something good is coming soon
It may be for everyone
It may just be for me
Might make us all so happy
But we'll just have to wait and see
Something good is coming soon
I just know that it's Something more
Than I ever had before
Maybe like love it will unfold
And hold us close against the cold
Something good is coming soon
Could be it's a state of mind
Or Something that got left behind
Could be our innocence returned
Or that one thing I never learned
Something good is coming soon
Whatever it is going to be
Will be dressed in music that we can see
Will send us dancing out the door
To someplace we've never been before
Something good is coming soon
My heart is softer than it was
I feel the light surrounding us
I see it forming in the air
It's coming down to meet us here
Something good is coming soon
Something good is coming soon
Something good is coming soon
10 of 10 on Visible's 2002 album
'911 was an Inside Job'

© 2002 Visible